7 Tips to Help You Save Water This Summer
We are quickly approaching some of the hottest months of the year here on the Central Coast and with the hot temperatures, the need for water conservation becomes even more important. Luckily there are easy things we can all do to save water immediately and effectively.
1. Reduce your outdoor irrigation
The state of California may be limiting watering to two days a week but did you know that most experts believe this is more than enough to keep your lawn healthy? Contrary to popular belief, your lawn only needs watering twice a week and most people are guilty of over-irrigating. Over-watering can lead to fungus and a shallow root system so do your lawn a favor and water deeply but infrequently.
2. Only water in the morning or evening
Water evaporates very quickly during the day when the summer sun is high. By limiting watering to the morning and evenings, you are ensuring that the water stays in the soil where it is needed. Early morning is actually best for your lawn, as the air is cooler and usually less windy.
3. Check for leaks
A leak is a huge water waster and something that you might not even realize is happening. Two places where leaks commonly occur are your irrigation system or your toilet. In order to check for leaks in your irrigation system, turn on your system and look for broken sprinkler heads, breaks in tubing or pipes or missing emitters. To check for leaks in your toilet, add 2-3 drops of food coloring into the tank and wait 15-30 minutes. If water in the bowl changes color, you have a leak and most-likely need to replace the flapper valve.
4. Shorten your showers
It may be relaxing to stand under the stream of hot water but it’s also a huge way water is wasted in the home. Try your best to limit yourself to a 5-minute shower. Timers are available at most hardware or home improvement stores or you could even use the stop-watch function on your cell phone. For the music lovers out there, find a song that is 5 minutes in length and only stay in the shower for its duration. The California Water Alliance is collecting a list.
5. Only run full loads
Use the washing machine and/or dishwasher only when you have a full load to run. If you have to run a smaller load, make sure you adjust the water level of your washing machine to match the load size and use the water-saver cycle if you have one.
6. Use car washes
It may seem contrary but commercial car washes are actually not using much water – potable water that is. Most car washes use recycled water for most of the cycles and are much more efficient than washing your car at home. Or you could always forgo the wash and go #dirtyforthedrought.
7. Install aerators
Installing aerators onto your faucets is essentially the easiest thing you can do to save water. Aerators can be found at any hardware or home improvement store, are inexpensive and amazingly easy to install.