Mandatory Water Restrictions
are Currently In Effect

Pismo Beach Mandates and Restrictions
The City of Pismo Beach is under a "Normal Water Supply" condition. The current restrictions for a Normal Water Supply status are as shown below. In addition to these water restrictions, the City Council has adopted an Urgency Ordinance which prohibits the installation of new, irrigated turf installation for all development as of May 18, 2022.
- Use of water which causes runoff onto adjacent properties, non-irrigated areas, private and public walkways, roadways, gutters, parking lots or structures is prohibited.
- Outdoor water use for washing vehicles, boats, paved surfaces, buildings, and similar uses shall be attended and have hand-controlled water devices, which shut off the water immediately when not in use.
- No water shall be used for cleaning driveways, patios, parking lots, sidewalks, streets, or other such uses except as found necessary by the city to protect the public health or safety.
- Outdoor irrigation
- Outdoor irrigation is prohibited between the hours of ten a.m. and four p.m.
- Applying water to outdoor landscapes during and within 48 hours after measurable rainfall is prohibited.
- Restaurants shall serve drinking water only in response to a specific request by a customer.
- Using water in a fountain or other decorative water feature, except where the water is part of a recirculating system, is prohibited.
- Use of potable water for compaction or dust control purposes in construction activities is prohibited.
On August 18, 2015 the City Council adopted the following mandates. These are in addition to those that are already in effect:
Waterless Urinals in New and Existing Construction
All urinals installed in a new building, new additional restroom within an existing building or replacement of an existing urinal shall be a waterless urinal. Exemptions to this section may be granted at the discretion of the City Engineer under the following conditions:
- The installation of a waterless urinal would cause an undue burden due to an incompatibility with the exiting pluming system. If the cost to replace or remediate such incompatibility is 25 (twenty-five) percent or less of the permitted construction costs, an exemption shall not be granted.
- When installing a waterless urinal in an existing building, the installation of a waterless urinal would cause an undue burden due to the requirement of additional retrofits which may be required for the restroom or stall to remain compliant with other codes, such as the California Building Code.
- Other unforeseen circumstances where the financial burden or other unforeseen burden outweighs the water savings generated by the waterless urinal.
- The installation of a waterless urinal would cause a threat to public health and safety.
Waterless Urinal Retrofits
All existing urinals within the City shall be retrofitted to waterless urinals before February 14, 2016. Exemptions to this section may be granted at the discretion of the City Engineer under the following conditions:
- The installation of a waterless urinal would cause an undue burden due to an incompatibility with the existing plumbing system.
- The installation of a waterless urinal would cause an undue burden due to the requirement of additional retrofits which may be required for the restroom or stall to remain compliant with other codes, such as the California Building Code.
- Other unforeseen circumstances where the financial burden or other unforeseen burden outweighs the water savings generated by the waterless urinal.
- The installation of a waterless urinal would cause a threat to public health and safety.
- Low-flow urinals using one-half (1/2) gallon of water or less per flush and installed before July 21, 2015.
Faucet Aerators
All restroom faucets in all publicly accessible restrooms, including those in hotel rooms, lobbies and restrooms, restaurants, schools, commercial and retail buildings, public buildings and similar publicly accessible restrooms shall be retrofitted to install aerators that emit no more than 0.5 (one-half) gallon per minute before October 17, 2015. Exemptions to this section may be granted at the discretion of the City Engineer in the following cases:
- When such a retrofit would cause an undue burden due to design of the faucet.
- In cases to protect public health and safety.
Beginning with the effective date of this ordinance, all restroom faucets in new residential construction shall be fitted with aerators that emit no more than 0.5 (one-half) gallon per minute. Exemptions to this section may be granted at the discretion of the City Engineer in cases to protect public health and safety.
Sub-Meters in New Construction
All new multi-unit buildings, regardless of proposed use, shall be required to have a separate sub-meter capable of measuring the water use of every usable unit, separate common space and landscaping that is expected to use at least 25 gallons of water per day on average over the course of a year, regardless of the overall size of the building. Buildings that have a separate water meter for each unit are exempt.
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